Single Course Enrollment


Those interested in attending single courses from the Graduate Program in Computer Sciences (PPGCC) can enroll as “special students”, whether or not they hold an undergraduate degree. Just wait for the enrollment period, submit your request, and wait for our office to confirm the enrollment.


  • To check the enrollment period and the list of courses offered in each semester, access the “2018 Academic Calendar“;
  • Regular studentsfrom other UFSC graduate programs should request their enrollment directly at the administrative office of their programs.
– The credits taken may be transferred in the future, if the student is selected for admission to the program.
– Enrollment in a single course does not confer a regular student status in the Program, nor at UFSC.
– The enrollment request is made ONLY via the internet through an electronic form to be made available during the enrollment period.
– Foreigners are only able to enroll in single courses if they have a student visa linked to UFSC.



The form is available only during the enrollment period. Please see the Academic Calendar.